I'm Back!


I feel like I owe you an apology for my absence, but do I really need to justify myself?

The truth is, life is complex. Life is filled with unforeseen prospects. Life is intrusive. I am human and there is only so much a human can control and manage until they have to stride away from something or everything to allow them to breathe wholly again.

You may or may not remember this, but at the beginning of April I confessed my uncertainty about my future. I did not know what I wanted to do with my life, but after reading and re-reading over your comments – which by the way I still appreciate so much – I decided to continue with my course and I am happy I did.

I am in my second last term of my last year. A lot has been going on, hence why I have not made an appearance on my blog for quite some time, but as I said earlier in this post, I feel like I do not need to justify myself and to be completely honest with you, I don’t know how consistent I can be with my blog until I have completed my course.

I can only try.

Nonetheless, I would like to sincerely thank you – if you’re one of them – for staying with me and being patient with my blog and me.

And please note that I am fine. I am healthy. There is nothing neither psychically nor mentally wrong with me. I just needed to take a holiday from my blog, but I am so glad to be back!


  1. You owe us no explanation! I'm glad to hear you made a decision and I'm thinking of you at this busy time! x

  2. glad you are ok, hope everything is going well:)

  3. It's the first time I visit your blog, but I'm glad your back and ok, keep up your hard work! I'm now a new follower and I'm going to support you! ^^


  4. I'm glad your back!! :))
    xoxo Antonella

  5. Don't worry about consistency. Blogging is an outlet for whenever!! :)


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